Terms and Conditions for Posting Your Advertisements on .
provides an effective and fair platform for all our members to post and search for properties. Therefore, we hope that by following these simple rules, we can ensure that everyone has a level playing field.
- If you are a CEA-registered salesperson, do make sure you understand the rules and regulations on advertising by the Council of Estate Agency (cea.gov.sg).
- Do check the accuracy of your listing details before submitting. sg will not be responsible or liable for any inaccuracies made out by the advertiser.
- Do log in regularly. To ensure that the database is free of clutter so that the portal can run smoothly, members who have not logged-in for one year will be removed from the subscriber base. A reminder will be sent prior to that. The remaining lucky tokens will be wiped out and a refund for the balance lucky tokens will not be given.
- Do not post fake ads. ‘Fishing’ is strictly forbidden. Remove listings that have already been sold or leased out once the property is no longer available.
- Do not market listings if the seller or tenant has not given you the permission to do so.
- Do not copy and use photos from any other sources without prior permission, whether they are copyrighted or not, in your ads.
- Do not post property listings with other salesperson’s name and contact details.
- Do not post multiple properties on one ad. However, you are welcome to post multiple listings within a project or a building in one ad.
- Do not purchase the owner’s package if you are not the owner of the property. This package is strictly for owners only. They may indicate whether agents are welcome or if they are subscribed with the Do-Not-Call registry, regulated by Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC).
reserves the right to suspend any account should the rules be infringed. However, will not be held responsible or liable for any mistake or wrongdoing by the salesperson.
Should you fail to abide by these terms and conditions, has the right to terminate the salesperson’s account.